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Are you ADD or a Quick Smart Kid?

If you get divorced are you "Choice Impaired?" Then why on earth do you call kids Attention Deficit if they simply don't like to focus on boring things for long periods of time? First off, let me explain, that I don't have a deficit, the Government does! Have you ever noticed that everything a doctor diagnoses you with is a negative?

Does ADD Really Exist?

There is a lot of controversy regarding whether ADD even exists. There is no brain scan, no lab tests and no physical evidence documenting it exists anymore than there is documentation that Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy exist. And no, Daniel Amen’s “Brain SPEC Imaging” has never been proven with any double-blind placebo tests published in any medical journal. But we still talk about ADD and Santa as if they are real.


If you get divorced are you “Choice Impaired?” Then why on earth do you call kids Attention Deficit if they simply don’t like to focus on boring things for long periods of time? First off, let me explain, that I don’t have a deficit, the Government does! Have you ever noticed that everything a doctor diagnoses you with is a negative?

What are the consequences for having no consequences?

One Monday morning during homeroom, the teacher caught Julie copying answers to the day's math homework from her classmate, Sandra. The teacher took both papers away from Julie, talked to the students and explained why neither would receive credit for the work. The teacher then wrote a note to Julie's parent in her agenda book and telephoned Sandra's parents since she claimed to not have her agenda book with her.

A Deadly Teen "Game"

This past week, a former student of mine killed himself playing a deadly "game." He was 12 years old. This "game," commonly known as "The Choking Game" has many names ranging from "The Pass-out Game," "The Fainting Game, "The Tingling Game," and "The Dreaming Game," among others. Parents, teachers and students alike need to become educated about this; they need to understand the severity of it, what signs to look for and that this "game" can be fatal.

Wanted! BioBlitz Participants

If you said the word “Bioblitz” a few years ago to a group of people, young or old, most would not have known what it was. Nowadays, there are a small number of people throughout the world who have participated in or have heard of a BioBlitz. This activity is becoming more popular and with good reason.

Why is it important to integrate Math With Other Subjects?

Integrating mathematics with other subjects is an approach that is vastly different from the way that curriculum has previously been delivered in U.S schools. Due to the poor performance of U.S students on international assessments such as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the entire U.S approach to mathematics education has come into question.

An Introduction Performance Based Assessments (PBAs)

Assessments are an important part of the educational process for teachers, students and parents. Assessments should steer and inform teachers on instructional decisions within their classrooms but should also direct and improve student learning. Assessments can help students set goals, understand what is considered to be complete and accurate responses, and help them become more independent learners.

Making Students Aware they are Mathematicians

Try asking middle school students about a mathematician. Ask them what mathematicians do, what they look like or even how they act. The answers that you get may be a bit surprising!

Too Much Involvement Harms Our Kids

Sports, art, language, Scouts, dance, music.we all want the best for our kids, but are we harming them by offering the best for them, what we never got? My family is no different. My five year old daughter wants to take every lesson and class that is offered in our community. I felt I should oblige since I never had these opportunities as a child. Thus enters guilt.

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