Educational Businesses

Businesses offering programs, services and products for the Educational Industry

Businesspersons Special: Profiles are discounted until 7/31/14.

Charter Buses/Motorcoaches: Charter buses are used for transportation for hotels, amusement parks, university campuses or school field trips.

Educational Publishers: The distribution of printed books dedicated to education.

Educational Software: The distribution of software dedicated to education.

Playground Equipment:Playground Manufacturers & Contracting Companies

Professional Development/Teacher Workshops: Summer Workshops for Educators.

School Assemblies: School Assemblies are regular formal gatherings of all students in a school for a special program or presentation.

School Bus Vendors: Companies offering School Buses, Services, Parts & Services.

School Field Trips: Schools & Camps can browse the database for class trip programs and special exhibits throughout the United States.

School Supplies & Teacher Stores: Teacher Stores and Distributors offer educational products for teachers, parents and students spanning all ages, grades and educational focus.

School Vendors: Businesses providing services for schools and school districts.

Virtual Learning Environments: E-learning education system based on the web that models conventional in-person education by providing equivalent virtual access to classes, class content, tests, homework, grades, assessments, and other external resources such as academic or museum website links

Coming Soon:
Educational Apps
Office Supplies
Test Preparation Companies

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