Lamb's Gate Christian School

Lamb's Gate Christian School Logo

Basic Information

Address: 4700 N. Swan Rd. Tucson, AZ 85718
County: Pima
School District: N/A
Phone Number: (520) 299-2151
Fax Number: (520) 299-0469

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Additional Information

School Type: Christian Preschool and Elementary
Founded: 1974
Ages/Grades: 18 months- 2nd Grade
School Size: 135
Student/Teacher Ratio: Early Childhood- 2:9; 3 year olds- 2:13; 4 year olds- 2:15; Elementary 2:15
Financial Aid:

Scholarships Available

Mission Statement:

Touching Tucson with God's Love, One Child, One Family at a Time

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Lamb’s Gate provides a positive, loving Christian environment that nurtures the spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development of children. We offer small class sizes, with a teacher and teaching assistant in every classroom, for ages 18 months through elementary. Our curriculum encourages creative thinking, hands-on learning, problem solving, and community outreach for children of all developmental levels.
What distinguishes Lamb’s Gate from other programs is our dedication to daily worship, age appropriate developmental learning through play and intentional lessons, and an inclusion model. We value individuality and serve children of varying ability levels by acknowledging their unique, God-given skills and strengths and adapting instruction to meet their needs.
Lamb’s Gate seeks to reach families of all races and ethnic backgrounds and families with or without religious affiliations.

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