Plumfield Academy

Plumfield Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 123 Dayton St., Danvers, MA 01923
County: Essex
School District: Danvers
Phone Number: 978-304-0273

Action Shots

Plumfield Academy
Plumfield Academy
Plumfield Academy
Plumfield Academy

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Additional Information

President: John & Nina Pension
School Type: Elementary/Middle School
Founded: 1993
Ages/Grades: Grades 1-8
School Setting:

Plumfield Academy is a home-like setting in a beautiful, wooded area in Danvers, MA. It is easily accessible from major highways.

School Size: Small
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1
Tuition: $9,500, no additional fees
Financial Aid:

Occasional based on need and availability


Founded on the Christian and educational principles of Charlotte Mason, Plumfield Academy uses Great Books and primary sources as curricular material. Shakespeare, Plato, and autobiographies of historical figures are some of the classic literature central to learning. Children also receive hands-on science and math, in-depth history with narrative as a key method for engagement. Students in grades 5-8 learn Latin as well. All children engage in the arts as well, including drama, music lessons, art technique, choir, and handicrafts.

Camp Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Computer lab available

Uniform Guidelines:

Children are encouraged to wear comfortable clothes for learning and play.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Plumfield Academy practices the ideas of the noted English educator Charlotte Mason. Her philosophy of education was deeply Christian and very human. Following her inspiration, we see education as a way of life based on five Gospel principles: respect, humility, direct access, substance, and meeting the needs of children.

School History:

Plumfield Academy began in 1993 as a homeschool co-op and after a few years incorporated and became a private school. Plumfield has continued to serve the homeschool community in allowing students to attend part-time or to enroll in enrichment classes.

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