Putnam County

Putnam County Logo

Basic Information

Address: 120 N. 4th Street, Hennepin, IL 61327
Phone Number: 815-925-7129
Fax Number: 815-925-7549
Person of Contact: Daniel S. Kuhn
County Seat: Hennepin, Illlihois

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Year Organized: 1825
Square Miles: 159.8
Size of Board: Five (5) members
Townships: Granville, Hennepin, Magnolia, Senachwine
Cites: Granville, Hennepin. Magnolia, Mark, McNabb, Standard, Putnam
Schools: Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High, High School
School Districts: CUSD #535
Population: 6,086

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