Giamarese Farm & Orchards

Giamarese Farm & Orchards Logo

Basic Information

Address: 155 Fresh Ponds Road East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Phone Number: 732-407-7488
Fax Number: 732-821-1810
Director: Chris Edwards

Action Shots

Giamarese Farm & Orchards
Giamarese Farm & Orchards
Giamarese Farm & Orchards
Giamarese Farm & Orchards

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Days and Hours: Tuesday~Friday, 9am-noon & 1pm-5pm
Come learn about farming and experience where food comes from. Jim and Sue Giamarese are third generation farmers and would like to teach young folks an appreciation for the land and agriculture.
Your half hour (approximate) Educational Hayride Tour consists of Farmer Jim making stops around the farm to explain how fruits and vegetables are grown, including hands-on experience when possible. One stop will be with the farm animals, including horses, pigs, turkeys, chickens, ducks and swans (as available).
Afterwards, children & young adults will experience picking four apples from the tree and/or one 2-5 pound sugar pumpkin from the field. Each child will receive an educational coloring workbook at the conclusion of the tour. Children who only pick a pumpkin will receive one apple from their teacher. Additional apples, pumpkins and coloring books may be purchased in the Farm Market.
Grade Levels:
Length of Visit: 1-2 hours
Gift Shop/Factory Outlet: Farm Market
Retail Store: Farm Market
Reservations Needed: Yes
Mission Statement:

Where freshness is homegrown.

Facility History:

A family-owned farm in East Brunswick, NJ since 1941.

Social Networking:


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