3DomFuel LLC

3DomFuel LLC Logo

Basic Information

Address: 4730 S Fort Apache Rd, Ste 300, Las Vegas, NV 89147
Phone Number: 813-727-9839
Person of Contact: Kenneth Cooper

Action Shots

3DomFuel LLC
3DomFuel LLC
3DomFuel LLC
3DomFuel LLC

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

3DomFuel LLC makes the 3D-Fuel brand of 3D Printing filaments. We have manufacturing plants in Fargo, ND and Moville, Ireland. Please see our website for product details and know that we have special education pricing.

Our Advanced PLA (APLA) filament is our flagship product. Traditionally the best prints would come using ABS (fossil-fuel based) plastic because it maintains better physical properties than PLA (corn, potato, or sugar cane based) plastic filament. Our Advanced PLA has better tensile strength, heat resistance, and impact resistance than ABS. Although ABS is recyclable, we only recycle ~20-25% of our plastic in the USA and even less abroad. Hence, ABS, once made, will be around for eternity polluting our oceans, rivers, and landscapes. APLA is now the go-to plastic for essentially every reason.

We also offer renewable filaments made from coffee or beer waste byproducts as well has hemp-infused filament. Our Biome 3D prints with a shiny, silky look, our glass-filled PLA is super strong, less brittle, and even more flexible than normal PLA. Don't forget to grab some Dynapurge cleaning filament so you can clean your 3D printer between a change of materials or colors.

3DomFuel has our own in-house polymer scientist and R&D program. We're currently working on 24 different materials. Our water soluble "Hydro-Support" filament will be available November 2016. Please let us know how 3DomFuel can "Fuel Your Creativity" with our 3D-Fuel brand of filaments!

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