American Swing Products Inc.

American Swing Products Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 9120 Double Diamond Parkway Suite 1062 Reno, NV 89521
Phone Number: 800 433-2573
Fax Number: 775 883-2384
Person of Contact: Debbie Hein

Action Shots

American Swing Products Inc.
American Swing Products Inc.
American Swing Products Inc.
American Swing Products Inc.

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Additional Information

Keep your playgrounds fun and safe. Our bright, innovative and durable playground products are tested to the highest standards. We offer both replacement playground products for existing sets and swing sets, forts, slides, special needs swings, chains, accessories and more for new playgrounds. Check our website for our affordable pricing.

American Swing Products website offers a comprehensive checklist for school playground safety. Their School Playground Equipment Safety Checklist walks users through their playground to help ensure that the equipment and its surroundings are as safe as possible. The checklist is in keeping with their “safety-first” product line and their overall commitment to helping create safe playgrounds for all children. Used in conjunction with high quality playground equipment, the safety checklist can help avoid playground injuries and subsequent lawsuits.

As a part of its product line American Swing also offers a full line of Handicapped Accessible, which meets the American Disabilities Act guidelines for equipment in public recreation applications. “A playground is one of the simple pleasures of childhood; we want to make sure that this pleasure can be enjoyed by everyone safely.”

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