American Time & Signal Co.

American Time & Signal Co. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 140 3rd St S. PO BOX 707 Dassel, MN 55325
Phone Number: 320-275-2101
Fax Number: 800-789-1882
Person of Contact: Dirk Lutz

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American Time & Signal Co.
American Time & Signal Co.
American Time & Signal Co.
American Time & Signal Co.

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Additional Information

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Your school needs time. Only the Clock Experts make it for you with more than 26,000 customized systems, clocks and parts. Guaranteed.
From a simple wall clock to a synchronized system, schools across the U.S. have trusted the Clock Experts to keep accurate time in their classrooms, offices and auditoriums since 1980.

The Clock Experts will help you:
Save Money
Turn interior lights in offices, hallways and classrooms, and exterior lights in parking lots and walkways off and on with a SiteSync IQ® Wireless Clock System.

Improve Security
Automatically lock and unlock doors, synchronize clocks and ring bells for class changes and recesses with a SiteSync IQ® Wireless Clock System.

Reduce Tardiness
Students and staff stay on schedule when the time is visibly displayed on digital clocks in the hallways.

Communicate Quickly
Portable message boards let you communicate quickly and easily with students, staff and visitors.

Learn more!
• Promote school spirit with a logo clock featuring your school's mascot on the dial.
• Save labor costs with AllSet clocks that automatically adjust twice a year for Daylight Saving Time.
• Learn about the benefits and uses of wireless and wired clock systems.

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