Bromberg & Associates, LLC

Bromberg & Associates, LLC Logo

Basic Information

Address: 3141 Caniff Street Hamtramck, MI 48212
Phone Number: (313) 871-0080
Fax Number: 855-225-3100
Person of Contact: Catherine Radloff

Action Shots

Bromberg & Associates, LLC
Bromberg & Associates, LLC

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Additional Information

Bromberg & Assoiates is an award-winning translation and interpreting company, with expertise in languages and education.


Among the services we offer are

- translation of documents, letters, school codes of conduct, surveys, academic records, medical records, and many other types of texts;
- interpretation of parent-teacher conferences, psychological 
evaluations, interactions between non-English speaking families and  
staff, simultaneous interpreting at school boards, and many other types of scenarios.


Our translators and interpreters are perfectly suited for this job, not only due to their high degree of professionalism and vast experience, but also because they either have children of their own or have had teaching jobs in the past.

Learning material:

If your school is looking for a lesson supplement to fascinate students with foreign languages and help them learn and understand different cultures, we suggest "A Bird in the Hand". This colorful book contains popular proverbs, sayings and idioms in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, and Tagalog. A proverb in English is followed by its equivalent in six languages, along with an English phonetic version for each. Bright and thought-provoking illustrations perfectly complement the text. In addition,we provide specially designed and highly efficient lesson plans on request.

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