Complete Records Management, Inc.

Complete Records Management, Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 33817 Hoff Road Brookshire, TX 77423
Phone Number: 281-574-1440
Fax Number: 281-574-1442
Person of Contact: Robert English

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Additional Information

Complete Records Management, Inc. specializes in electronic document and records management, and electronic archive solutions for government agencies; the commercial and business world; hospitals, physicians and healthcare facilities; and independent school districts in the USA.

We provide the following services for our clients:

  • Off-site & on-site Document Scanning services
  • Cost efficient & compliant Records Retention services
  • Off-site Document Destruction capabilities
  • Off-site records storage

By using our services, our clients eliminate the need to acquire specialized software and equipment for storing, retrieving and viewing their records and documents. They save time, and money plus improve their services to their own clients.

Complete Records Management is proud to serve its clients with speed and efficiency.

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