Data Management, Inc.

Data Management, Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 537 New Britain Avenue Farmington, CT 06034
Phone Number: 800-243-1969
Fax Number: 800-428-1951
Person of Contact: Kim Isabelle

Action Shots

Data Management, Inc.
Data Management, Inc.
Data Management, Inc.
Data Management, Inc.

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Additional Information

Visitor Pass Solutions, by Data Management, Inc produces The Visitor Pass Registry Book, it allows a visitor to sign in to your school while maintaining a confidential log & duplicate record. The badges are available for both manual and electronic visitor management systems; with expiring or non-expiring features. We also recognize the need for an affordable, easy to use and dependable way to identify and process visitors for your school without spending a fortune so we created the 2011 School Referral Program and we are thrilled to introduce this discount program to schools across the US.

Here’s how the program works. Every time a school customer refers a new school customer to Data management, both schools receive a 12% discount when they order. So, new customers get a discount when they try Visitor Pass Solutions, and existing customers repeat that discount when they refer others.

We also offer a Tardy Slip Wirebound Book that allows you to record and track late arrivals quickly and easily.  (catalog link)  (5 min. video link)

Intro Video (Visitor Pass Solutions intro with mention of Direct Thermal)

Registry Book Video

TAB-Expiring Visitor Pass (video covers both Manual and Direct Thermal)

FULL-Expiring Visitor Pass (video covers both Manual and Direct Thermal)

Dot-Expiring Visitor Pass (video covers both Manual and Direct Thermal)

National Directories

AF Sitemap