DEAFinite Educational Consulting

DEAFinite Educational Consulting Logo

Basic Information

Address: PO Box 33691 Charlotte, NC 28233-3691
Phone Number: 864-305-5124
Fax Number: 980-299-6014
Person of Contact: Dawn Welters

Action Shots

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Additional Information

DEAFinite Educational Consulting seeks to work with both parents and schools to provide the best education possible to students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, in both the residential and mainstream school environment. DEAFinite Educational Consulting has provided academic and self- advocacy services for over 5 years.

DEAFinited Educational Consulting provides school districts with educational materials, teacher in-service, teacher workshops/trainings, student 1-on-1 services, student small group services, AVT therapy, SPICE training, and a multitude of other services. Parents are invited to take advantage of our free workshops to learn how to communicate, advocate and educate your child with special needs.

DEAFinite Educational Consulting is owned and operated by the Deaf and proudly serves the Carolinas (North & South).

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