Dump the Junk America

Dump the Junk America Logo

Basic Information

Address: P.O. Box 622 Deland, Florida 3272
Phone Number: 321-356-3223
Person of Contact: Nancy Howard

Action Shots

Dump the Junk America

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Dump the Junk can be administered by a classroom teacher or PE teacher in the classroom.  Each lesson can be completed in about 10 to 20 minutes per topic , either nutrition, exercise or attitude, and can be combined for a longer time period.  The curriculum can be purchased by the School Board, the PTA or a concerned parent for a private school.  The Teacher's Guide  retails for $495, and contains 175 lessons; 70 on Nutrition, 70 on Exercise, and 35 on Healthy Attitudes.  It is very user friendly and written by curricrulum experts.  The Student Activity Books for each child retail for $16.95.  140 4 color pages including great  four color graphics, tear out pages for home, and on location book work.  If you want to give your students an opportunity to learn which foods will fuel their bodies, teach them how to exercise, and introduce healthy thinking, then Dump The Junk may be the best program you have ever purchased. Please view the report of the pilot study which documented their improved academic grade point averages, and loss of body fat. Attitudes were changed dramatically, as Dr. Joe will report to you.

National Directories

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