EazyHold Adadptive Grip Universal Cuffs

EazyHold Adadptive Grip Universal Cuffs Logo

Basic Information

Address: 4212 East Los Angeles Ave. Simi Valley, Ca 93063
Phone Number: 805-578-2533
Person of Contact: Kerry Mellin

Action Shots

EazyHold Adadptive Grip Universal Cuffs
EazyHold Adadptive Grip Universal Cuffs
EazyHold Adadptive Grip Universal Cuffs
EazyHold Adadptive Grip Universal Cuffs

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Additional Information

EazyHold Adaptive Grip Universal Cuffs

Finally, a cuff that can be used in every situation!
Our adaptive holder is for Parents, Care Givers, Therapists, Teachers and the Special Needs community who desperately need an inexpensive, hygienic and long overdue option to the old fabric, elastic, leather and Velcro universal cuffs.

For the FIRST time it's allowing children and adults to hold and use writing implements, utensils, paint brushes, toothbrushes, spoons, sippy cups, baby bottles, musical instruments, toys and many other articles of daily living that up until now they have not been able to hold. EazyHolds soft comfortable bands stretch wide over openings to grip any size or shape of object firmly.

EazyHold is the FIRST grip assist that due to silicones hygienic, non toxic, latex free properties can be kept in a therapists kit to be used over and over on a daily bases in schools, hospitals and therapy centers. It is made of hypoallergenic, silicone and completely sanitizable. It adapts to help you hold most anything, and it can be passed from child to child and object to object with confidence. Best of all its design fits even the tiniest of hands unlike any other universal cuff before it!

EazyHold is the first 100% Silicone universal cuff that's making a profound difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities and conditions which effect hand grip strength or those with missing fingers or limbs.
Unlike other cuffs, EazyHold washed and dried at high tempratures and does not harbor bacteria, is super soft and comfortable and is highly adaptable. Because of silicone's tactile properties, it does not need to be tight on the hand to stay put.

People are posting pictures and videos everyday on our Facebook page, excited about the new found independence and successes that they and their children are experiencing with EazyHold.

You can see these children using EazyHold on our facebook page at: facebook.com/eazyhold
and on our website at: eazyhold.com

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