Eyedentified Consulting Services, LLC

Eyedentified Consulting Services, LLC Logo

Basic Information

Address: PO Box 6892 Springdale, AR
Phone Number: 4793088662
Fax Number: (479) 282-0417
Person of Contact: LaTonya Jackson

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Eyedentified Consulting Services, LLC
Eyedentified Consulting Services, LLC
Eyedentified Consulting Services, LLC

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Additional Information

What is a Mastermind Group?
My facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. By bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective, my masterminds can help you achieve success. The length and focus of the mastermind group depends on the needs expressed or the focus of the learning. An "X" represents number of weeks.

  • The purpose of a mastermind group is to bring together likeminded people who are dedicated and motivated to making effective and lasting changes to their lives in a collective group.
  • The mastermind meets a maximum of 1.5 hours per week, for an agreed upon number of weeks as we study one of six core leadership learning systems by John C. Maxwell:
    • Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
    • Leadership Gold
    • The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
    • Becoming a Person of Influence
    • How to Be a Real Success
    • Put Your Dreams to the Test
  • The meetings are confidential and run professionally with a curriculum and complete respect for each participant's privacy as well as complete respect for each participant's time is exercised.
  • There is a level of commitment on my part to deliver the best material to you in the allotted time with the utmost standards of professionalism as well as a level of commitment on your part to come to each meeting on time, prepared and with a positive attitude.
  • As we move through each lesson, as a group we will bring together our ideas and opinions that will help shape and mold our understanding of the material in a way that is far superior to simply reading a book on your own. We will be combining all of our minds to becoming a master mind.
  • Your expectation of the weekly study will be to increase your awareness and understanding on how to evolve into an effective leader - raising the leadership lid to a new level.
  • Additional Services such as Lunch and Learns, Workshops and Seminars are also available using the aforementioned resources. These sessions vary in length (1.5 hours to multiday workshops).

There is a nominal fee for the book used which can be secured either through direct purchase from me, from my website, online at a book retailer like Amazon.com, or through your local book store like Barnes and Noble. This small investment will reap great benefits to you upon the completion of the mastermind study.

YouthMAX Plus Program Description

YouthMAX Plus with Nick Vujicic is an exciting youth leadership program featuring John Maxwell Team YouthMAX Plus Ambassador, Nick Vujicic.

YouthMAX Plus inspires and equips young people to value themselves and others, by developing and maintaining a positive self-image, showing compassion to others, persevering in the midst of adversity, and creating a daily routine of successful attitudes and behavior. Through engaging and interactive sessions facilitated by LaTonya Jackson, a Certified John Maxwell Team Member, youth of various ages will learn how self-leadership allows them to be a positive influence with their family, teachers and peers.

The YouthMAX Plus with Nick Vujicic program consists of 5 facilitator-led sessions that include presentations and activities for YouthMAX Kids (ages 8-11) and YouthMAX Teens (12-18). The YouthMAX Plus activities are designed to reinforce learning outcomes and help students develop the skills necessary to build strong relationships and add value to others. The programs may be facilitated in total or singularly. Each of the programs may also be tailored to meet the needs of each youth group, school or after school program.

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