Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc.

Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 5400 Miller Ave., Gary, IN 46403
Phone Number: 800 255-0153
Fax Number: 219 938-3340
Person of Contact: Richard Hagelberg

Action Shots

Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc.
Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc.
Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc.

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Kidstuff Playsystems, Inc., is an IPEMA-certified manufacturer of playground equipment.  Go to for a list of our certified products.  Our quality procedures are certifed to the ISO 9001-2008 international quality standard.  We provide a turn-key solution to your playground needs including installation and several different kinds of safety surfacing.

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