Magline, Inc

Magline, Inc Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1205 West Cedar Street, Standish, MI
Phone Number: 989-512-1000
Fax Number: 989-803-5941
Person of Contact: Andrea Horner

Action Shots

Magline, Inc
Magline, Inc
Magline, Inc
Magline, Inc

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

As a leader in the material handling industry, Magline, Inc. is committed to creating innovative solutions that help people transport materials more safely and efficiently. For over 70 years, this has translated to creating an exceptional product and service experience that has earned long term customer loyalty. The focus remains on creating innovative products and services, driven by our customer needs and industry insights. Magline's industry knowledge and expertise translates into the creation of a compelling customer value proposition.

We encourage you to visit our website at, follow Magline on Twitter at @MaglineInc and visit our Facebook page.

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