Scientificgear LLC

Scientificgear LLC Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2799 C Merrilee Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone Number: 800-998-6429
Fax Number: 702-621-5870
Person of Contact: Hank Levi

Action Shots

Scientificgear LLC
Scientificgear LLC
Scientificgear LLC
Scientificgear LLC

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Scientificgear LLC works with Schools and provides various hand-held and tripod mounted safety meters dealing with heat and humidity.  The WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) is a relatively new device and growing in popularity among coaches, principals and athletic directors.  The availability and use of the WBGT meter on the practice field allows traininers to monitor heat conditions continually and locally during scheduled gatherings.

Contact us today and ask about our KIT!


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