Second Chances Outreach, Inc.

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Basic Information

Address: P.O. Box 549 Tyrone, GA 30290
Phone Number: 317-691-3801
Person of Contact: Lindsay Fulton

Action Shots

Second Chances Outreach, Inc.
Second Chances Outreach, Inc.
Second Chances Outreach, Inc.
Second Chances Outreach, Inc.

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Additional Information

               One thousand pairs of eyes are riveted on former gang leader, bully and drug addict, Dr. Joseph Jennings.  Throughout the crowded gymnasium, Joseph takes each young person's life and holds a floodlight against it.  He unveils the dreams and hopes in each heart, while at the same time showing students where their current path will take them.  "You have to pay the price," Joseph declares to the hushed auditorium.

Joseph grew up in the black ghetto of South Bend, Indiana, the oldest son of thirteen kids.  Raised to live a lifestyle of gang and drug-related violence, he stopped at nothing in his attempt to attain the material success he thought was the “American Dream.”  Joseph’s quest resulted in him being burned, stabbed, and shot thirteen times, yet still unfulfilled and feeling empty. Now, with a second chance and a new life, Dr. Jennings lives to share his story and encourage young people that there is a better way.

As  the President and Founder of Second Chances Outreach Inc., Dr. Jennings works to carry out the mission of preventing youth violence by providing positive alternatives to gang involvement, drug use, bullying and other high-risk behaviors.

Joseph travels the world as an International Motivational Speaker with his “Choices” program, “Bullied 2 Bully” message, and “Stop the Silence, Bury the Violence” campaign.  He is known for leaving long lasting impressions in the minds of those he speaks to… from young men dropping their rags at his feet to walk away from their “set” on the spot and rival gangs calling a truce at the close of his assemblies to kids who have “bullied” others leaving their seats to go hug and apologize to their peers at the end of his message.   

Drawing upon his experience of speaking in over 2,400 schools to millions of young people, Dr. Jennings realized the importance of cultivating long lasting relationships and providing a “family” for youth who are simply looking for someone to love and support them.   

As a response, he developed the R.A.W. D.A.W.G.S. Youth Corps, a gang prevention program designed to help boys become young men without the influence of the streets.  The pilot program was implemented in Wichita, Kansas with incredible results.  Of the one hundred sixty 7-13 year old boys who were served, our follow up evaluations showed that only one went on to join a gang.  The same success has also been mirrored by R.A.W.D.A.W.G.S. program in other communities, most recently in Fort Pierce, Florida and currently in the planning phase in Omaha, Nebraska.

In 2006, Dr. Jennings launched a new effort with the help of a “Communities Empowering Youth”   (CEY) grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  He began offering training and technical assistance on topics like violence and gang prevention to bullying, anti-drugs, and abstinence to schools, non-profits and faith-based organizations that have a heart for kids and desire to put an end to the violence in their communities.   

Dr. Joseph Jennings is by many, considered an expert in the field of gangs, bullying and youth violence.  He is continually approached for help from communities in need of practical, effective solutions for today’s generation. 


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