Sports Structure International,LLC.

Sports Structure International,LLC. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1680 Michigan Avenue, Suite 700 Miami Beach, FL 33139
Phone Number: 1-866-502-7792
Fax Number: 305-491-6842
Person of Contact: Hans Bos

Action Shots

Sports Structure International,LLC.
Sports Structure International,LLC.
Sports Structure International,LLC.
Sports Structure International,LLC.

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Additional Information

We are the US licensees and distributors of a new and incredible product called igoal. This product is an inflatable, safe, light and easily portable soccer goal net.

It comes in different sizes, ranging from 6' x 4' to 24' x 8' for traditional grass roots soccer.

iGoal comes in a canvas bag which opens and closes with Velcro straps and zippers. Inside each bag is a pump which inflates the net.  It is easy to set up and most important safe for all age groups because of the material used in its production.  

IGoal is taking Europe by storm and the initial reactions from the North American soccer communities, retailers and associations are very positive.


The David Beckham Football Academy UK has recently tested the IGoal and is now using them for their training

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