Thompson Educational Furnishings

Basic Information

Address: 1400 S Fretz, Suite 160 Edmond, OK 73003
Phone Number: 405-285-0323
Fax Number: 405.562.1289
Person of Contact: Wayne Boyd

Action Shots

Thompson Educational Furnishings
Thompson Educational Furnishings
Thompson Educational Furnishings
Thompson Educational Furnishings

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Thompson Educational Furnishings is a full-service supplier of school and office furniture for the Pre-K to College market.  We offer the highest quality specialized furniture for computer, science, art, lecture, and music rooms.  We also provide professional layout, installation and project management services at no charge to our customers.  We are specialist in the design of media centers, computerlabs, and flexible classroom configurations.  Many of our manufacturer's products have been certified to the greenguard standard for indoor air quality.  We welcome the opportunity for our expert staff to perform for you.  You will enjoy the experience and personal customer serivce we provide.

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