Asociatia Pro Vita

Basic Information

Address: sat Valea Screzii, com Posesti jud Prahova Romania
Phone Number: 0040 745 068000
Director: Melanie Tanase

Action Shots

Asociatia Pro Vita
Asociatia Pro Vita
Asociatia Pro Vita
Asociatia Pro Vita

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Abandoned children and adults without homes
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: 400
Ages for Volunteer: 16+
Hours of Service: 8 hours per day
Minimum Hours of Service Required: 40
Days of Service: Mon - Fri
Languages: English, Romania
Languages used as a Medium: English
Programs Open To: All
Participants Work: A variety of projects depending on experience and interests

National Directories

AF Sitemap