GAP YEAR/6-month+ Service Learning Opportunities in Kenya with United Planet

GAP YEAR/6-month+ Service Learning Opportunities in Kenya with United Planet Logo

Basic Information

Address: 11 Arlington Street Boston, Massachusetts United States
Phone Number: (617) 267 - 7763

Action Shots

GAP YEAR/6-month+ Service Learning Opportunities in Kenya with United Planet
GAP YEAR/6-month+ Service Learning Opportunities in Kenya with United Planet
GAP YEAR/6-month+ Service Learning Opportunities in Kenya with United Planet
GAP YEAR/6-month+ Service Learning Opportunities in Kenya with United Planet

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Education, Healthcare, Working with Children
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Local Community
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 900 - 1900
Days of Service: 180 - 360
Languages: Please visit with respect to your Quest of interest.
Languages used as a Medium: English
Program Highlights:

In Kenya, volunteers will find a dynamic melting pot of languages, cultures, wildlife and landscapes. The Kenyan Highlands make up one of the most successful agricultural production regions in all of Africa, and contribute to Kenya's stability. Kenya is roughly the size of France and contains considerable geographic diversity - you will see mountains, deserts, volcanic highlands and wide savannas en-route to the Indian Ocean. Kenya is comfortably warm year-round with heavy rainfall in the spring. Wildlife habitats, including Maasai Mara, protect many native wildlife species including lions, rhinoceros, leopards, buffalo and elephants. Rural areas are rich with tradition, and volunteers can expect to be welcomed again and again by friendly locals.

Mission Statement:

To foster cross-cultural understanding and address shared challenges to unite the world in a community beyond borders.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

"In today's world, global challenges transcend borders. To address these challenges-poverty, global health, climate change, involuntary migrations-we need to work together as a global community. We are constructing the upper stories of a building in efforts to effect change without focusing on the foundation…the foundation necessary to solve these global challenges is in building stronger relationships and greater understanding across cultures."-David Santulli, Founder and President, United Planet

Program History:

United Planet was founded by David Santulli who lives and works within a high-impact concept he created--that of Relational Diplomacy, a practical approach to achieve what is acknowledged as the great mission of the 21st century: to create a genuine global community. At the turn of this century, Dave recognized that generations are now born into instant and constant cross-communication, yet the intractable issues of our day--poverty, global health, climate change, political and social unrest resulting in involuntary migration--continue to persist, even in the context of significant global efforts to make positive change. This work is immensely relevant today with the increase in nationalist sentiment threatening to decrease global exchange and understanding. In 2001, Dave founded United Planet, an international nonprofit based in Boston, Massachusetts, whose mission is to enhance crosscultural understanding while addressing shared challenges so as to create a community beyond borders. The organization is preparing a generation of globally minded leaders through bringing gap year, international service learning, and leadership development programs to students and adults around the world. In partnership with secondary schools, universities and corporations, United Planet is unlocking the potential of every person as a global citizen and catalyst to create a more peaceful, cohesive, and sustainable world. In establishing United Planet, Dave seeks to create a world in which all people understand, respect, and support one another. United leaders and volunteers have dedicated over 1,000,000 hours to education, health, and environmental sustainability, while immersing themselves in diverse cultures, building their global leadership competencies, and forging closer intercultural relations.

Additional Information:

CNN (2007)

CNN selected United Planet as one of only ten nonprofit organizations in the world for their "Be the Change" initiative

United Planet blog, "Meet United Planet's Founder", (March 2016),Inc.

"Live with Purpose," David Santulli, 2013
"In Remembrance of Memorial Day,"David Santulli, 2013
"From Boston with love,"David Santulli, 2013
"New Year's Resolutions: Don't Forget the Missing Ones," David Santulli, 2012
"Want a Job, Volunteer Abroad," David Santulli, 2012
"Happy Birthday, Chocolate," David Santulli, 2012

Press Releases

National Directories

AF Sitemap