All the Children Are Children school ministries .

Basic Information

Address: P. O. Box 153012 Cape Coral, FL
Phone Number: 239-214-4922
Director: Philocles Desir

Action Shots

All the Children Are Children school ministries         .

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Nonprofit school ministries
Population Served: Indigenous children and youth
Ages for Volunteer: ages
Hours of Service: 2-5 per week
Minimum Hours Required: 2
Days of Service: Monday to Friday
Mission Statement:

The All the Children Are Children (ATCAC’s) mission is to empower the lives of families living on the Caribbean Island of Haiti, thus reversing community, cultural, and economic deterioration. ATCAC seeks to educate, feed, clothe, and provide medical assistance to those in need, while developing working skills for young adults to become self-sufficient and contributive members of society.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Teach to Fish

Program History:

In a remote village in Haiti called Coco Lester, a family of six felt compelled to help the children who lived among the poorest of the poor. They began by cleaning some land in a dense area and building a makeshift pavilion. They gathered some adults who shared the same dream and called them teachers.

A rusted bell rang out and children from ages 3 to 18 came in numbers. As emotions overwhelmed them, they named the school the All the Children Are Children School. That was seven years ago. Today the children are still coming in record numbers.
Presently, up to 300 children attend school each day in a one-room building that was meant to hold 25 to 30 children. The remaining children stay underneath nearby trees if weather permits.


Year round

Additional Information:

 You've seen the devastation of the recent earthquakes in Haiti - now, more than ever, the people of Haiti need our help.

The people of Haiti live in extreme poverty and their housing situation is in a crisis. Natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods, droughts, and earthquakes have had serious effects on the housing situation as well.

The All the Children are children is focused on providing free basic education, work skills training and shelter to the people of Haiti.


Haiti is the poorest country in the western world. 40% of it's inhabitants go hungry every single day, 1 out of every 12 of Haiti's children die before their 5th birthday. Haiti is situated on the atlantic hurricane belt and is prone to extreme weather conditions. Often, even nature conspires against the people of Haiti. All this and you can fly to Haiti from Miami in the USA in just 90 minutes. All this suffering - so close to home.

Any donation will help.




Please contact us at the address below

All the Children Are Children, Inc

PO Box 153012

Cape Coral, Fl 33915




National Directories

AF Sitemap