Corazón, Inc.

Corazón, Inc.  Logo

Basic Information

Address: Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone Number: 714-547-0357
Fax Number: 949-830-7429
Director: Maria Mazzenga

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Community Development
Ages for Volunteer: 12 & up
Hours of Service: varies
Minimum Hours Required: 2
Days of Service: varies
Mission Statement:

Building community by strengthening families, enabling service, promoting self-sufficiency, and inspiring mutually beneficial relationships across borders

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

comunidad is the philosophy behind Corazon's work. People in need do not receive handouts; rather, they participate in programs of assistance that allow people to help themselves. In the process, they help their neighbors and their community to grow and prosper. Robert Louis Stevenson once observed: "No man is useless while he has a friend."

Program History:

Thirty years ago, three Orange County residents felt a need to help the poor in several villages surrounding Tijuana. They provided food, clothing, basic supplies and spiritual help. In 1978 they officially formed Corazon as a nonprofit organization.

During the early years Corazon helped by meeting the immediate needs with food, clothing and shelter. Volunteers repaired some of the homes (actually shacks of pallets and cardboard) of the residents. This repairing quickly turned to building complete houses.

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