Babies Youth Children Empowerment Ministries, Inc

Babies Youth Children Empowerment Ministries, Inc Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2601 Cartwright Rd D320 Missouri City, Tx 77459
Phone Number: 832-239-8849
Director: Lynda Wright Gittens

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Developing at risk students academically, life skills, and character traits
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: varies 200 over a year
Ages for Volunteer: depends on the project
Hours of Service: depends on program - evening, summer weekdays, some weekends
Minimum Hours Required: varies 2 or 4hours. depends on the program
Days of Service: no sundays
Mission Statement:

BYCE Ministries will assist in the development of at risk children and youth to achieve their designed destiny through comprehensive academic, personal life, and character building programs.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Every person was created for a purpose. The young need to be nurtured so they can learn their purpose.

Program History:

We have served the community for five years through distribution of school supplies, academic tutorials, backyard bible camps, and summer enrichment programs.


Read Write Action Tutorial

Additional Information:

We are offering a reading and writing program for at risk students in the Sunnyside area of Houston near the inner city. WE need people who want to share their knowledge and gift with young people that can impact their lives. We will provide one-on-one and group tutoring sessions focused on building their reading and writing skills in comprehension, reading fluency, and vocabulary. Our methods include reading stories, listening to stories, practice exercises, games, on-line skill challenges, and more. An added ingredient, students will express their understanding of the stories through writing and acting. The program will be provided two hours on Saturdays from December, 2014 to May, 2015. If you love reading, writing, or drama, this is the program for you. We need you to volunteer for a minimum of 8 hours. Groups are welcome. You can send an inquiry through the system or complete the application to be considered

National Directories

AF Sitemap