Caring for Kids Summer Camp

Basic Information

Address: 355 E Erie St Chicago, IL 60610
Phone Number: 312-238-5005
Fax Number: 312-238-1025
Director: Ashley Gruenwald

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: 7-17 year old kids with primary physical disability
Ages for Volunteer: 15 and up
Days of Service: 5 and up
Mission Statement:

Caring for kids is an outpatient pediatric program for kids ages 7-17 with physical disabilities offered through the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab sports department. Caring for Kids provides a variety of recreation and leisure pursuits to promote physical activity, socialization, and self-confidence for its participants. Immersing participants into activities and increasing opportunities for engagement allows individuals to get involved in the community and enjoy the benefits of being active!


Summer Camp:
1st Session July 10th-July 21st
2ns Session July 31st-August 11th

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