Common Ground Relief, Inc.

Basic Information

Address: 1800 Deslonde Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70117 USA
Phone Number: 504-312-1729
Fax Number: N/A
Director: Thom Pepper

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Marginalized communities combating subsidence and coastal erosion
Population Served: Smaller communities surrounding Greater New Orleans
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: Usually 9 to 4
Minimum Hours Required: 35
Days of Service: Monday through Friday
Mission Statement:

Common Ground Relief's mission is to create resilient Gulf Coast communities that are environmentally sustainable, financially viable and personally cohesive. Common Ground Relief fulfills this mission assisting residents to build assets that support community transformation and renewal.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

See mission statement above. Visit website, View photos of projects on our Facebook page.

Program History:

Common Ground Relief was founded on September 5, 2005 in New Orleans, Louisiana.



Additional Information:

The volunteer application may be viewed on our website, The site also contains suggested reading material for those planning to come to New Orleans to work with us.

National Directories

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