Dream Weaver Foundation

Dream Weaver Foundation Logo

Basic Information

Address: P.O. Box 180012, Arlington, TX 76096
Phone Number: (817) 690-0939
Director: Kim Phipps

Action Shots

Dream Weaver Foundation
Dream Weaver Foundation
Dream Weaver Foundation

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Various
Population Served: Various
Ages for Volunteer: 11-18
Hours of Service: Varies depending on project
Minimum Hours Required: One project
Days of Service: weekend, summer and occasional special projects
Mission Statement:

Dream Weaver Foundation's mission is to empower youth to leave a legacy of service.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Dream Weaver Foundation's philosophy: (1) Integrity is the foundation of success (2) Put people before things (3) Impact communities through creativity and innovative thinking and doing (4) Strengthen communities by improving lives.

Program History:

Founded in 2006 by a then-middle school teacher
Began as a mentoring program on a middle school campus in Grand Prairie, TX
Began transitioning into a service learning organization in 2012 with 21 high school youth
First youth inspired service learning project was related to youth advocacy and included researching and presenting a proposal for a teen diversion program
Second youth inspired service learning project resulted in Dream Weaver Foundation becoming an affiliate of Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC) in 2015
Youth participated on planning committee and panel of Greater Dallas Movement Day (youth track) 2013 and 2014


October 24 - My Neighbor's Table
November 7 - Thanksgiving Lunch
November 21 - Thanksgiving Lunch

See our website for more details and additional events

December 19 - Christmas Breakfast

National Directories

AF Sitemap