
EarthCorps Logo

Basic Information

Address: 6310 NE 74th ST Suite 201E Seattle, Wa 98115
Phone Number: 206-322-9296 x217

Action Shots


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Additional Information

Causes Served: Environment
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: All local communities
Ages for Volunteer: all ages
Minimum Hours Required: 4
Days of Service: All Saturdays, select Weekdays
Mission Statement:

EarthCorps' mission is to build a global community of leaders through local environmental service

Program History:

EarthCorps is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 with a mission to build a global community of leaders through local environmental service. EarthCorps provides a year-long intensive program for young adults from the US and 80 other countries to learn best practices in community-based environmental restoration and develop their leadership skills as they supervise more than 10,000 volunteers each year.


Our volunteer events are open to the public, and individuals and groups are welcome to sign up. No experience is necessary - just come ready to work hard and get dirty!

National Directories

AF Sitemap