Gentiva Hospice

Gentiva Hospice Logo

Basic Information

Address: 242 Old New Brunswick Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone Number: 888-556-8880
Fax Number: 732-562-8686
Director: Elaine Carlsen

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Hospice, Elderly, Veterans
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Terminally Ill, Elderly, Veterans
Ages for Volunteer: Minimum: 18 years old
Hours of Service: Flexible
Minimum Hours Required: 1 hr/wk
Days of Service: Flexible
Mission Statement:

To provide compassionate care to those we serve during the end of life's journey through our commitment to clinical excellence and uncompromising service.

Additional Information:

Gentiva Hospice provides specialized healthcare that allows patients with life-limiting illnesses to live out their days as fully and comfortable as possible. Typical volunteer roles include:

  • Direct Patient Involvement: providing companionship for a patient, such as reading, playing cards, sharing hobbies and recording life stories.
  • Caregiver Relief: supporting family members by sitting with the patient so that the caregiver can take a much-needed break.
  • Veteran-to-Veteran: performing pinning ceremonies and providing comradeship to Veteran patients.
  • Specialized: such as pet therapy, massage therapy, hairstyling or music.

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