Jazz Hands For Autism

Jazz Hands For Autism Logo

Basic Information

Address: 10880 Wilshire Blvd, ste 800
Phone Number: 4242097190
Director: Noddy Nweke

Action Shots

Jazz Hands For Autism
Jazz Hands For Autism
Jazz Hands For Autism
Jazz Hands For Autism

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Expression and Employment For Individuals With Autism
Population Served: Autism
Ages for Volunteer: 16+
Hours of Service: varies
Minimum Hours Required: varies
Days of Service: varies
Mission Statement:

Jazz Hands For Autism provides platforms and seeks avenues where musically inclined individuals on the autism spectrum can express and explore their talent.

We are committed to creating pathways to consistent and sustainable employment for musicians on the autism spectrum by alleviating the stigma associated with autism.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

We believe that music is the key to unlocking the potential that lies within individuals with autism, helping them become contributing members of society and we believe that music can bridge the gap between individuals on the autism spectrum and the general public.

Program History:

Jazz Hands For Autism runs TWO programs: the Jazz Hands Concert Series (a twice-a-year curated concert event featuring music performances by individuals on the autism spectrum), and the Jazz Hands Musician's Academy (a comprehensive vocational and integrated employment program that is designed to prepare musicians on the autism spectrum and place them in employment that lines up with their passion for music).


The Jazz Hands Concert Series- A festival type of concert event where musicians with autism of all ages, genres, abilities and skill level perform in front of a supportive audience.

Additional Information:

If you'd like to volunteer at Jazz Hands For Autism, we have several ways you can do this!

  1. Join a Jazz Hands Concert Series Planning Committee (you have the opportunity to receive hand on event-planning training)
  2. Volunteer at the Jazz Hands Concert Series (we have several committees including staging, hospitality, etc)
  3. Volunteer as a musician at the weekly group sessions within the Jazz Hands Musician's Academy
  4. Become a Jazz Hands For Autism Ambassador (representing Jazz Hands For Autism at you school or local school, to help us gain more supporters).

Looking forward to working with you!


National Directories

AF Sitemap