Marillac St. Vincent Family Services

Basic Information

Address: St. Vincent De Paul Center 2145 N. Halstead St
Phone Number: 3129436776
Director: Bart Winters

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Young children, homeless, financially challenged, Hunger, Seniors
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: 3months to Pre-K and School Age
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: Varies
Days of Service: Varies
Mission Statement:

As stewards of the Vincentian spirit, Marillac St. Vincent Family Services is committed to strengthening and empowering those most in need to reach their greatest potential.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Core Values

We commit ourselves as individuals to live out these core values in our daily work, as we serve the needs of others:

Integrity- Acting with transparency, humility and honesty

Excellence- Providing quality care with compassion

Creativity- Being continuously resourceful and inventive

Advocacy- Supporting the cause of those who lack resources for a reasonable quality of life

Respect- Recognizing our own value and upholding the dignity and value of all people

Empowerment- Providing skills and resources to achieve full human development

Program History:

Celebrating 100 Years of Service in two locations in Chicago.

National Directories

AF Sitemap