Meals On Wheels of San Francisco

Basic Information

Address: 1375 Fairfax Ave
Phone Number: 415-343-1311
Director: Danie Belfield

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Population Served: Seniors
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: 2-3
Days of Service: Monday-Friday
Mission Statement:

Meals On Wheels of San Francisco and its volunteers provide seniors what they need to live independent and dignified lives -- nutritious meals, professional social work, and friendly human contact.

Program History:

Volunteering in our Delivery program offers the ability to help homebound seniors by delivering essential food and household items. Participating in this opportunity allows volunteers to reach many seniors and help them preserve their independence. Delivery opportunities in our program include picking up pre-packed bags of groceries on Wednesday mornings from our office to seniors, or delivering essential house safety items such as microwaves and bath mats at a schedule that works best for you.

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