Megan Meier Foundation

Megan Meier Foundation Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: 6367573501
Fax Number: 6367573504
Director: Tina Meier

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: anti-bullying
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Youth, Teens, LGBTQ,
Ages for Volunteer: Minimum: 16
Hours of Service: Flexible
Days of Service: Flexible
Mission Statement:

The mission of the Megan Meier Foundation is to promote awareness, education and positive change in response to the issues surrounding bullying, cyberbullying and suicide.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:


Commitment: We believe in the highest ethical standards, commitments, and organizational decisions. We seek to meet the needs of students, parents, and educators faced with the issues surrounding the issues of bullying, cyberbullying and suicide awareness.

Reputation: is the ultimate asset, and these core values guide our behaviors, judgments, and how we accomplish our mission.

Integrity: We assure reliability and honesty.

Continued education and training of staff: We work to continually increase our knowledge of current trends and research related to issues surrounding bullying, cyberbullying and suicide awareness.

Accountability: We keep our commitments to make measurable progress and achieve our mission.

Diversity: We encourage and welcome the power of diversity in all aspects.

Teamwork: We work together to achieve our mission.

Empathy: We seek to understand, communicate, and actively listen to individuals faced with the issues surrounding bullying, cyberbullying and suicidal ideation

Program History:

From conception in 2008 the Megan Meier Foundation has supported Tina Meier in speaking engagements around the world. As she goes into schools and the corporate world Tina showcases the importance of empathy and standing up when bullying persists.

We also host workshops for middle- and high- school age children, a Celebration of Change that ensures progress around the world is being recognized, and various fundraising drives that aid in promoting positive change.


May 30th - Saint Charles PRIDEfest
September 14th - Golf FORE Megan
October 17th - Megan Meier Day
November 21st - Gobble Bowl
November TBD - Fall Workshop

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