Prime Care Hospice

Basic Information

Address: 4225 W Glendale Ave A-200 Phoenix AZ 85051
Phone Number: 602-515-8127
Fax Number: 623-847-2626
Director: Karen Spadaro

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: End of Life
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Those with a terminal diagnosis
Ages for Volunteer: 16+
Hours of Service: any
Minimum Hours Required: 1 hour a month
Days of Service: any
Mission Statement:

At Prime Care Hospice our team of experienced professionals provide exceptional compassionate care to individuals and their families facing a life-limiting illness in the comfort of their home.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

At Prime Care Hospice we respect end of life choices through our commitment to excellence, personalized quality care, compassion and support to those we serve, each other, and our community.

Program History:

Hospice was founded in 1967 by Dame Cicely Saunders. She was originally a nurse, then a social worker, and then became a Dr. She believed "You matter to the last moment of your life, and we do all we can, not only to help you die peacefully, but to love until you die."


Volunteer training is at no cost and prepares the individual not only to be a hospice volunteer but to be able to be present with their own loved ones and friends facing end of life. It is life enriching.

Additional Information:

Volunteers are companions, veterans serving veterans, musicians, cafters but most of all good listeners. If you have two ears you can be a wonderful volunteer. Everyone has a gift that could be used to enrich the life of another. What is most important is to have a heart that is willing to serve.

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