Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon

Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon Logo

Basic Information

Address: 88 Shaker Museum Road Old Chatham, NY 12136
Phone Number: 518-794-9100 ext. 220
Fax Number: 518-794-8621
Director: Lacy Schutz

Action Shots

Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon
Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon
Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Historic preservation and education
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: General
Mission Statement:

The mission of Shaker Museum │ Mount Lebanon is to engage and inspire local, national, and global audiences by telling the story of the American Shakers.

Program History:

Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon holds the world’s most comprehensive Shaker collection and stewards the North Family at Mount Lebanon, the most important Shaker site in America.

The Shaker Museum was founded in 1950 by John S. Williams, Sr. on his farm in Old Chatham, New York. Beginning in the 1930s, Williams traveled extensively to then-active Shaker communities and, often with help from the Shakers, purchased and was given fine examples of their arts, industries, domestic life, and spiritual artifacts. His approach was that of an anthropologist documenting the decline of a culture. Today the Museum’s object and library collection, numbering over 56,000 items, is considered the most comprehensive Shaker collection and is a prime resource for scholars and curators. The Museum is accredited by the American Association of Museums since 1972.

In 2004, the Museum became the owner and steward of the North Family site at Mount Lebanon Shaker Village, consisting of 11 remaining Shaker buildings on 91 acres, part of the Mount Lebanon Shaker Society National Historic Landmark district. The Museum’s efforts are underway to restore the site and relocate there. Toward that end, the facility in Old Chatham closed to regular visitors in 2009, and since 2011 the Museum has offered seasonal guided tours, programs and exhibitions at the North Family, Mount Lebanon and the surrounding area.

Additional Information:

Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon is seeking volunteer docents to assist visitors at the historic North Family site in New Lebanon, NY from mid-June to Columbus Day in 2017.

Docents will receive in-depth orientation and training in Shaker history and the history of the Mount Lebanon site, including the buildings, land use, and individuals who lived there. They will lead tours for visitors to the site on a set schedule, Friday through Monday.

Docents should be able to commit to at least one recurring tour per week, and be able to lead visitors across uneven terrain and into unrenovated buildings. Tours generally run 1.5 hours. If interested, please write to LSCHUTZ@SHAKERML.ORG with a brief description of why this opportunity appeals to you and how your background and interests align with this type of work.

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