University of Michigan Friends Gift Shops UMHS

University of Michigan Friends Gift Shops UMHS Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1500 E. Medical Center Dr. 2C201 UH 5061 Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone Number: 734-615-6147
Fax Number: 734-232-4926
Director: Tiffany Pryor

Action Shots

University of Michigan Friends Gift Shops UMHS

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Background Check: Yes
Population Served: UMHS Gift Shops
Ages for Volunteer: 16 and older
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: 4 hour shift per week
Days of Service: Varies
Mission Statement:

Since 1959, Friends has been a partner of the U-M Health System, helping to promote the health, welfare and education of our community.

Friends is a board-governed, volunteer-staffed, non-profit community organization that administers and manages four Health System Gift Shops. The revenue generated from these shops provide funds for patient programs and educational projects.

If you would enjoy supporting patient programs and health education...if you care about helping people when they need you could be our kind of Friend:

Additional Information:

Our non-profit Gift Shops are looking for volunteers to cashier and/or assist with merchandise in the stock room. Our greatest need is for cashiers who interact frequently with our employees, patients and their families. NO retail experience required. We offer training, flexible hours, monthly scheduling and Free Parking.
The Friends Gift shops consist of over 60 volunteers and paid staff. We have four (4) shops as follows:
  1. Main Gift Shop - located near the cafeteria inside UMHS
  2. Carousel Gift Shop - located in the Mott Children's and Voigtlander Women's Hospital
  3. East Ann Arbor Gift Shop - located at UMHS East Medical Campus, off Plymouth & Earhart Rd.
  4. 'Friends with a Heart' Gift Shop - located in the Cardiovascular Center (CVC) of UMHS
Our volunteers generally work one 4-hour shift per week, however, this is highly flexible according to your schedule. You may also choose to work on a monthly basis with extended leave of absences.
  • Shifts at the Main and Carousel Gift Shops are Monday - Friday 8:45 am to 12:30pm OR 12:30 pm- 4:00 pm .
  • Shifts at East Ann Arbor and CVC Gift shops are Monday-Friday 11am-1pm OR 12pm-2pm
  • Saturday and Sunday shifts may also be available, at the Main and Mott shops, from 12-5pm

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