The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club

The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club Logo

Basic Information

Address: 100 Holly Ln.
Phone Number: 7079995034
Fax Number: 7079995034
Director: Travis Hitt

Action Shots

The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club
The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Background Check: Yes
Population Served: 6-18 years old
Ages for Volunteer: +14 years old
Hours of Service: 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Days of Service: Monday-Friday
Mission Statement:

To inspire and enable the youth of our community, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens.

Additional Information:

At The Vacaville Neighborhood Boys & Girls Clubs, all youth have the right to a safe and caring

environment to: learn and grow through structured and fun programs that will motivate youth to

achieve high academic standards and be life-long learners; develop into competent, socially

conscious, and confident young adults with leadership skills; cultivate self-esteem by learning

and demonstrating respect and by listening and being heard; and make their community a better

place by taking the initiative to live healthy and happy lives.

National Directories

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