Basic Information

Address: 890 Commonweath Ave 3rd Fl, Boston, MA 02215
Phone Number: 617-353-5755

Action Shots


* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Public Radio
Population Served: Greater Boston Area
Ages for Volunteer: 16+
Hours of Service: 6am to 7pm
Days of Service: April 7 and April 8, 2016
Mission Statement:

Through a dynamic exchange of ideas, WBUR serves and engages the local community as a source of news and information, providing insight and cultural context that unites a diverse, complex and changing world.

Program History:

WBUR has been around since 1950, and Boston's NPR News Station since the 1970s. Public radio would not be possible without public support and that's where our volunteers come in! The whole community makes public radio possible, and volunteers help answer phone calls from listeners calling in to make a donation.

Volunteers help answer phone calls during our on-air fundraisers, and help callers make donations over the phone. Some computer literacy is necessary, but we’ll provide all the training you’ll need when you arrive.

During each shift we provide delicious food from some of Boston’s best restaurants, a behind-the-scenes tour of WBUR, free parking and a fun, friendly atmosphere.


WBUR's pledge drives:
Our Spring pledge drive is only 26.2 hours long--our own mini marathon. From 7am on April 7 through 10am on April 8, WBUR will attempt to raise a week's worth of fundraising in only a day.

National Directories

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