Cross Continental

Cross Continental Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: +1-604-700-6096

Action Shots

Cross Continental
Cross Continental
Cross Continental
Cross Continental

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Additional Information

Subject/Position: We have great work placements including teaching, healthcare, community work, business coaching, HIV work, care giving, orphanage work, journalism, photography work, animal work, agriculture, environmental work, and tourism work.
Program Dates: Flexible

Working side by side with local people.

Job Types: Work Placement Choices (A) CAREGIVING o Orphanage Work o Working with Street Children o Caring for the Elderly or the Disabled (B) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT o Developing Business Plans o Assisting with Income Generating Activities o Women’s Empowerment o Sharing Your Skills (C) HEALTHCARE o Medical Placement (for Medical Doctors and Nurses) o Assisting Health Professionals o Helping in a Rural Health Post (D) HIV/AIDS WORK o HIV/AIDS Testing or Counselling o Awareness Campaigns o Caring for the HIV Infected o Conducting HIV lessons (E) TEACHING o Teaching Children o Teaching in Monastery o Teaching English or Computer Skills o Teaching Arts, Music/Dance o Sports Education o Special Education (F) OTHER o Finance and Banking o Computing o Business Coaching o Environmental o Wildlife o Journalism o Media o Architectural o Tourism Please note that not all work choices are available at all locations.
Languages: English
Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching: English/Spanish
Cost: Program fees start from only US$180
Salary/Benefits: Certificate upon successful completion
Program Fees: Start from only US$180
Experience Required:


Programs Open To: Everyone (There is no age limitation or nationality limitation)
Application Process:

You can apply online within minutes at
Usually you will be able to get a confirmation within 48 hours.

Hours: Flexible

National Directories

AF Sitemap