Teach in Bhutan

Teach in Bhutan Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: 1.647.233.6607
Fax Number: 1.416.960.9506
Director: Jenna Reynolds

Action Shots

Teach in Bhutan
Teach in Bhutan
Teach in Bhutan
Teach in Bhutan

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Additional Information

Subject/Position: Travel a World Away, Make a World of Difference. Teach in Bhutan!
School: Schools across the Kingdom of Bhutan
School Type: Publicly-Funded
Program Dates: Contracts begin January 2015 and are for a minimum of one year. Bhutanese school year runs February to December with a mid-year break. Renewal up to five years.

Teachers are placed in publicly-funded schools across the Kingdom of Bhutan, predominately in rural and remote areas. Accommodation is secured prior to arrival and running water, electricity, internet etc are all accessible.

Minimum Education: Post-Secondary
Degree Level: B.Ed/M.Ed preferably
Job Types: As this is a full-time teaching position, within publicly-funded schools, we are looking specifically for primary educators, and junior/secondary English, math, science and special education specialists.
Languages: English, Dzongkha
Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching: English
Cost: Airfare, Insurance
Salary/Benefits: $400 per month
Program Fees: None
Experience Required:

Be a qualified teachers with either:

Degree in Education; three full-time years of relevant classroom teaching experience; or teacher certification.

Applicants are most competitive if they display a combination of all of the above qualifications.

Programs Open To: Native English speakers (i.e. Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand).
Travel Arrangements:

We assist with securing airfare.

Participants Work: Bhutan
Application Process:

Apply online at www.TeachInBhutan.org

Teaching Level: Between grades 3 and 12
Hours: Full-time
TEFL/TOSEL Certification Program:
English is the language of instruction in Bhutan, however many students are considered to be ESL students. Teaching in Bhutan is not an ESL teaching experience in the same way that other teach abroad experiences may be and thus ESL qualifications (TESOL/CELTA/TEFL) are complimentary only and ESL teachers must have three full-time years of classroom teaching experience.
Visa Requirements:

We assist with procuring your Bhutanese visa. (It is a simple process).

Program Highlights:
  • Two-week orientation in the capital city, Thimphu
  • Support from both Toronto office and field office
  • Mid-year retreat
  • Fundraising assistance
  • Strong alumni network and prep-assistance with other teachers
  • Paid position, with an English curriculum
  • Fascinating and unique culture that is extremely welcoming to foreigners
  • Accommodation, visas, work permit, flights are all secured with BCF's staff
  • Daily tariff is waived for all teachers
Curriculum Highlights:
  • National curriculum, created in conjunction with Canadian consultants
  • Entire curriculum is online for access prior to arrival
  • Concept of Gross National Happiness is infused into the curriculum
Program Information:

Are you interested in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will...

  • give you fill-time paid international teaching experience?
  • expand your career horizons as you teach a fully immersive national curriculum, taught in English?
  • allow you to explore a new and unique culture, in one of the most remote and untouched nations in the world?
  • make a true difference in the lives of rural Bhutanese students and the communities in which they live?

Then apply to Teach in Bhutan! www.TeachInBhutan.org

National Directories

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