
Post secondary education funding formula
Funding for Higher Education in New Brunswick is based upon two methods: Unrestricted Operating Assistance and Restricted Operating Assistance. Unrestricted Operating Assistance represents approximately 95 percent of total operating assistance to New Brunswick's four public universities, with Restricted Operating Assistance representing the balance. The Department of Education is responsible for determining the final allocation of funding. Unrestricted grants are allocated as a Flat Grant (75 percent is based on historical funding) and Enrollment Grant 25 percent - based on weighted FTE and three year rolling average. Restricted purpose grants are a small part of overall funding and generally are institution specific or allocated based on share of Operating Grant. Capital funding is project based.

Tuition at New Brunswick post secondary institutions are set by the individual institutions, in consultation with government. The public university full-time domestic tuition fees for 2011-2012 are $6,920 at Mount Allison University, $4,770 at St. Thomas University, $5,117 at Université de Moncton, and $5,682 at the University of New Brunswick. The tuition fees increased by a range of 3-4.4% from the 2010-2011 academic year. The domestic tuition at New Brunswick Community College and Collège Communautair du Nouveau-Brunswick for 2011-12 is $3,000 per year plus fees.

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