
While there is a common application process for individual community college campuses within each provincial community college system, there is no common application across provinces or across universities. The Community College system partners with the University to offer first year university courses at a number of campuses as well as credit transfers within provinces across Atlantic Canada which have been maintained through individual articulation agreements.

Articulation, Transfer and Admission Committee (ATAC)
The committee's main objective is to maximize student accessibility and enhance mobility among post-secondary institutions. It accomplishes this by coordinating the articulation process between public schools, Memorial University and the College of the North Atlantic as well as addressing province-wide issues that related to articulation practices, transfer and admission. ATAC compiles and distributes a print and online transfer guide, listing course-by-course and program block transfers.

Atlantic Provinces Community College Consortium (APCCC)
The APCCC comprises the four provincial college systems; Nova Scotia Community College, the College of the North Atlantic in Newfoundland and Labrador, Holland College in Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick Community College. Its responsibility is coordinating activities among the four provincial college systems and sharing resources and expertise among the education and training community colleges across the whole of the Atlantic Canada region. The APCCC produces an annual "Guide to Block Transfer Agreements". These guides include the current and active Memorandum of Understanding between the 4 college systems, Guidelines for the Development and Operation of Transfer Arrangements, the Association of Canadian Community College's Pan Canadian Protocol for the Transferability of Learning, and a Memorandum of Understanding between the Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) and the APCCC.:7-20 The guide also includes a listing of programs at the various Colleges and Universities that agree to recognize those programs for block transfer towards a new educational credential.:21-56 Students can choose from several course delivery mechanisms, including distance e-learning.

Comprehensive Arts and Science (CAS) Transfer: College-University
The College of the North Atlantic (CNA) offers the CAS Transfer: College-University program (formerly known as the College-University Transfer Year) at their five campuses in Burin, Carbonear, Grand Falls-Windsor, Happy Valley-Goose Bay, and Labrador West. CAN and Memorial University of Newfoundland (MU) developed this program to provide university credit for specific college courses. Currently, 36 courses are transferable. The program provides students with the opportunity to complete a suite of courses for which they will gain credit from CAN as well as from MU. It has been developed through an agreement with Memorial University of Newfoundland; courses identified in this section are developed in collaboration with Memorial's respective departments. This enhances student access to courses that earn both university and college credits. It provides an opportunity for students to gain university course credit at locations close to their home communities. It allows students to choose career paths with maximum recognition of credit for work completed.

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