Sensory Integrative Disorders

Sensory Integrative Disorders

Vestibular processing disorders
Sensory discrimination and perception problems

Sensory modulation
Sensory modulation refers to a complex central nervous system process by which neural messages that convey information about the intensity, frequency, duration, complexity, and novelty of sensory stimuli are adjusted. Behaviorally, this is manifested in the tendency to generate responses that are appropriately graded in relation to incoming sensations, neither under reacting nor overreacting to them.

Sensory Modulation Problems

Sensory registration problems - This refers to the process by which the central nervous system attends to stimuli. This usually involves an orienting response. Sensory registration problems are characterized by failure to notice stimuli that ordinarily are salient to most people.

Sensory defensiveness - A condition characterized by overresponsivity in one or more systems.

Gravitational insecurity

- A sensory modulation condition in which there is a tendency to react negatively and fearfully to movement experiences, particularly those involving a change in head position and movement backward or upward through space.

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