
Suspension is mandatory leave assigned to a student as a form of punishment that can last anywhere from one day to several weeks during which time the student cannot attend regular school lessons. The student's parents/guardians are usually notified as to the reason for and the duration of the out of school suspension. Sometimes students have to complete work during their suspensions for which they receive no credit. Also, upon returning to school, it is often mandatory that the student, his/her parents/guardians, and a school administrator have a meeting to discuss the matter. One flaw with being suspended is that the student actually has a 'Holiday'.

Applications to some colleges ask the student whether or not they have ever been suspended. In some places in the United States, a suspension is noted on one's transcript, and is a key part in the college acceptance process, giving an advantage to those who have not been suspended. However, other places do not report suspensions or are expressly forbidden from doing so under state law.

Suspensions come in two forms Out of School Suspension, which is often abbreviated to OSS and In School Suspension, which is often abbreviated to (ISS).


In School Suspension

In School Suspension allows students to continue to attend school, but forbids them from attending regular classes. All of his/her work will be submitted to the designated in-school suspension (ISS) "holding cell" and he/she will be forced to complete the tasks in that room for the day. In-school suspension is considered very boring as students are not allowed to talk, sleep, daydream or have any form of social interaction or fun. He/she must spend the entire school day in that room, bored and watched closely. Some schools require students to write essays on good behavior or apologies.


Out of School Suspension

For more serious infractions, or if a student fails to report to their assigned in school suspension class, out of school suspension is used. Students will not be allowed to attend the school for a certain number of days and will not be allowed to step on the campus for any reason during the suspension. In the United States, this has legal force and if the student reports to school while suspended, he/she may be charged with trespassing.

Sometimes an alternative to out of school suspension may be offered in which students can report to an off-site campus and sit in a "holding cell", similar to in-school suspension, although away from their normal school. The student will be bound to similar rules of in-school suspension and must maintain good behavior, or they will be dismissed from the alternative suspension program. If a student is dismissed, or simply chooses not to attend the alternative suspension program, he/she will be marked as unexcused from school during all the days of the suspension, and will not be permitted to make-up any work or tests upon his/her return.

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