All Stars

Basic Information

Address: 420-A Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, NC 27409
Phone Number: (800) 822-7148
Fax Number: (336) 662-0099

Action Shots

All Stars
All Stars
All Stars
All Stars

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Additional Information

Focus: Preventing drug use, violence, delinquency, bullying, premature sexual activity
Schools Served: Schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico

All Stars was initially developed in 1993, based on more than a decade of empirical research. All Stars is recognized on the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP).

Support Services: Teachers receive training and technical assistance. Pretest-posttest surveys and teacher fidelity assessment forms are available.
Program Information:

All Stars

All Stars prevents substance use (alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and inhalants), premature sexual activity, fighting, bullying, and delinquency. However, the program does more than prevent negative behaviors. The program also enhances positive characteristics we all want young people to develop. For example, it promotes idealism and a belief in the future, commitment to a positive lifestyle, wholesome standards, resiliency, a sense of belonging, and positive relationships with parents and other adults.

All Stars is fun and engaging. All Stars activities are highly interactive and both youth and adults enjoy them. When All Stars is completed as intended, the effect on students is profound. The program includes small group activities, activities in which students work together in pairs, games, and art activities. Discussion is a common feature of all sessions and students are encouraged to express their opinions.

All Stars is based on more than thirty years of research. All Stars has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and Center for Substance Abuse Prevention as a model evidence-based program. The more you understand what it is you change through All Stars, the more effective you will be.

All Stars appeals to common sense. Consider the following ideas:
•  Young people who have a clear vision of their future understand that high-risk behaviors interfere with their life goals.
•  Young people who make public and private commitments to their vision of the future are motivated to avoid situations that put them at risk.
•  When everyone in a peer group agrees that high-risk behaviors are “stupid”, “dumb”, unpopular, and unacceptable to others, they understand that avoiding these behaviors will help them fit in.
•  Parents can help their children to become highly motivated to avoid high-risk behaviors.
•  Involvement in an institution that has positive standards–a school, church, recreation group, or sports team–will protect young people from experimenting with and engaging in high-risk behaviors.


All Stars is designed for use by teachers and by specialists who visit classrooms as outside experts. All Stars can be delivered in schools during regular classes, as well as after school and in community settings such as churches and recreation centers. All Stars Core is designed to be delivered in thirteen 45-minute class meetings.

Slogan: Building Bright Futures

National Directories

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