Basic Information

Address: P.O. Box 35052 Louisville, KY

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Focus: chess education
Director: Corbin Seavers
Schools Served: We serve 14 public schools and 2 private schools. We also offer Spring break camps, summer camps and organize local chess tournaments.
School District: Louisville
County: Jefferson County
Schedule: before school hours and after school hours
Ages: 7-17
Capacity: up to 25 per class
Membership/Pricing: school covers

Our program started in 2010. September 2015 will be our 5th year anniversary.

Program Highlights:

This year we are doing more summer camps due to the level of participation in previous ones.


chess education, private lessons, tournaments, club tournaments, correspondence chess

Program Information:

See our web site www.hfschessmarketing.com for more information

National Directories

AF Sitemap