Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC

Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: 757-453-3884

Action Shots

Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC
Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC
Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC
Venn Leadership and Consulting, LLC

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Additional Information

Focus: Self Defense - Bullying - Gang Awareness - Leadership
Director: Pedro Bennett
Schools Served: Middle and High Schools
Ages: 12 and Up

Training is conducted in various locations - Client's gym, classroom, outdoors, offices, and auditorium.

Support Services: Classroom Management - Teachers Conflict Resolution - Teachers and Students Leadership Development - Teachers - Administrators Mentoring and Coaching - Teachers - Administrators Bullying - Students - Teachers
Program Information:

All Programs are offered on clients' venue  - We come to you.



Venn Leadership and Consulting offers an anti-bullying program for teachers and students.  The anti-bullying program for teachers introduces bullying and provides strategies to address bullying both in the classrooms and within their schools.  The anti-bullying program for students offers a 36 hour program which focuses on communication, empathy, collaboration, conflict resolution, fitness and conditioning, as well as self-defense. 

Venn Leadership and Consulting uses kinetics as an approach to promote both interpersonal and intrapersonal discovery.   Problem solving scenarios are introduced as assertiveness and the victim/prey cause and effects are analyzed.

Self Defense - Martial Arts

Self-defense offers a potential victim an opportunity to minimize the possibility of an assault to occur by providing strategies and techniques of identifying impending physical altercations. 

Venn Leadership and Consulting teaches self-defense with the understanding that not all altercations can be avoided; with that being stated, we need to be prepared to defend ourselves.   

The clinics, workshops, and programs that Venn Leadership and Consulting offer does not use the traditional approach of teaching self-defense techniques that requires overpowering, strenuous and complex movements.  Venn Leadership and Consulting uses a scientific method of angles of engaging and disengaging to and from an assailant.  This allows a person who is smaller to defend his or herself against a person who is larger with spending hours trying to learn difficult and sometimes unpractical techniques.


What will a participant gain from a workshop or clinic?

  • Participant will obtain a better understanding of how his or her body moves as a unit.
  • Participant will be more confident in his or her ability to defend him or herself.
  • Participant will obtain a better understanding of how fitness and conditioning support his or her mental and physical ability to react to a stimulus. 
  • Participant will have a better understanding of how to think critically and assess physical or verbal altercations before engaging in them.



Conflict Resolution

Venn Leadership and Consulting offers an insight to resolving conflicts among individuals, teams, and organizations.  Venn Leadership and Consulting uses strategies to identify the cause and effect of the conflict and address the conflict with the understanding of the Thomas and Kilmann's five main styles of dealing with conflict:







An organization that is torn by conflict within the organization reduces its productivity, creativity, and valued assets.

Pedro Bennett’s experiences as a martial artist, police officer, and teacher has given him the hands on experiences needed to identify and resolve conflicts. He is an excellent mediator and is passionate about getting results. 


Slogan: "A man that does not dream will not wake up." - Pedro Bennett

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